Fortune Impact Initiative 2023

September 12-13

Atlanta, Georgia

The Fortune Impact Initiative is a membership community dedicated to supporting executives who manage the risks and growth opportunities that put people, planet, and purpose at the core of their business strategies. The Impact Initiative promises to help leaders build expertise on the implementation and measurement of ESG practices across all business areas.

Two of the conference speakers are members of the Stakeholder Impact Foundation family: Roy Swan, Head of Mission Investments, Ford Foundation , and Roosevelt Giles, Chairman of the Stakeholder Impact Foundation.

Roy Swan will participate in a panel discussion entitled “Aligning Profitability with Purpose” (Sep 12 5:10 pm). Panel members are expected to explore the holistic approach of impact investing – a practice that aligns financial investments with outcomes that are purpose-driven.

On the following day. Roosevelt Giles (SLGI Chair), Board Member – Just Capital, will discuss Advancing Boardroom Diversity with Deborah Draper, Director, OnBoard. (Sep 13, 9:10 am). Draper and Giles will explore what business leaders can do to ensure boardroom diversity remains a priority.

Both Swan and Giles will discuss issues regarding ESG and capital markets with the fellows of the Directors Program on August 10.

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